you will dig until your own hands are bleeding because the second you slow down, you will have to deal with the fact that he's not coming home

hint: click/tap the italicized words to enter

OR: use the directory


im spencer !! i use he/she/it/any !! im 18 and also neurodivergent which very obviously affects the way i act and think (neurodivergent and a minor /ref). i have loads of interests, but rn im obsessed (i.e. autism) with bbc ghosts and horrible histories !!

hint: click/tap the looking glass to move forward


  • racist, homophobic, ableist, xenophobic, misogynistic, “edgy,” any of that shit

  • “maps” (aka fkn pedos)

know abt me

  • i appreciate tonetags

  • i'm 18 but i’m alright with having 20yo+ followers/mutuals, just keep in mind i might keep my distance a bit

  • it’s not uncommon for me to talk abt religion and stuff revolving it (especially christianity) but i myself am not religious at all (agnostic to be specific)

  • i tend to steer clear of discourse for my own peace of mind and i block pretty freely

  • i’m a feminist but like. the actual definition of the word

  • i’m pretty critical of all my interests but also i just don’t care sometimes

thanks for reading !!


credit to unlicensedinvestigator (on tumblr) for drawing the art i used as the background !!